> Should I wear a helmet while skateboarding on the streets?

Should I wear a helmet while skateboarding on the streets?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Like I'm not doing any serious tricks with a halfpipe, just doing some ollies, kickflips, and other basics on a sidewalk. should we still wear helmets or it'll look stupid? honestly, what do u think of people who wear helmets when skateboarding? is it uncool or okay?
A fall is a fall, doesn't matter what you're doing. Having said that, I never wore a helmet in my life. I've busted my head open quite a few times, but I'm still alive and well.
yup cooler than a cracked melon
Absolutely! The theory of risk compensation has a fatal flaw - it ignores the maxim that correlation does not demonstrate causation. In particular, people who plan to engage in risky behaviors are more likely to employ protective measures (unless they are just plain stupid). For example, race drivers wear helmets more often than commuters do. The owner of the bicycle shop I frequented in Phoenix lost a close friend that way. The friend always wore a helmet when out riding in traffic but left it off for a trip around the block. At dead slow speed he fell and hit his head on the curb, killing him.
Hell No! Helmets cause more injuries. Truth: