> Theres no dam point in life....?

Theres no dam point in life....?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Hey so ive just been doing some thinking and i cant help but have these deep assthoughts abouthe the purpose of life. Im in highschool and theres just so much bullshit and im getting so sick ofit. I totaled my car last week, i owe my friend every penny in my bank account cuz i rear ended him with my car, i dont know if my parents will let me go thecollege i want to go to, i dont have any girls or anything, and above al this i just feel like theres no point in getting a job after college to work 50 weeks a year and get 2 weekss off. People work all their lives and save up all this money, but when they retire they are old and less mobile than thier younger years, so there is nothing to do. All that free time and a small fortune saved up just to continue on with a life that has no purpose. Just bullsh it if any one wants to comment id appreciate it. Btw im not some suicide watch person im just a fed up kid lol
there has to be some point of our lives. everything has meanings.
I personally don't see any point in my life. I value the life of others a lot like I think the worst thing you can do is kill someone, but I really want to die. Well, moreso wish I was never born. The only reason I'm living is because I'd make my family sad if I died. If my mom died I MIGHT kill myself. If my family didn't love me, I wish they didn't, I'd kill myself. So I'm just stuck in this torturous life