> Toe touch help?

Toe touch help?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I need help getting higher. My legs go as high as my hips if i were standing next to someone my height, and my feet go as high as my knee, with the standing next to someone and whatever. In my cheerleading squad (its in school), we have no trampolines, ankle weights, or a huge rubber band thingy for our ankles. My coach doesnt know how to do one correctly, nor does anyone on my squad. All he makes us do is 10 of them each day, and he just tells us to get higher and to get in the air first and then do it. He has been in cheerleading before. He knows what is going on, but he just doesnt teach us right. So what can I use to make me better? Do i need homemade ankle weights? Also, arent you supposed to bring your legs to your arms, not your arms to your legs? He does it like he is jumping in to a v form with his legs up but he is acting like he literally has to touch his toes. Sooo jass, can i getz the help? thx lol
Ok yeah your legs come up to you ok some stretches are ...... Sit down like you are in a toe touch and raise one leg up do circles with that leg for 30 sec and never let it touch the floor then do it to the other leg then when you are done with both of the legs do both of the at the same time!! JUST REMBER to never let your legs hit the ground it will make you abs stronger and you legs higher