> What are some tips that I can do to boost myself up and wake myself up before I head to school and work?

What are some tips that I can do to boost myself up and wake myself up before I head to school and work?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have a hard time getting up early in the morning before school. And always am tired before I head into work. Like I just don't wanna get up. And go to work. I'm always tired. Is there like anyway. Any tips. Or something that I can do to help give me that boost. Or wake me up and not so darn sleepy and lazy?
Take a shower or sleep earlier than you usually would
Fatigue often triggers off further problems such as headaches, migraines, dizziness, lightheadedness, shakiness and nausea. To combat fatigue perhaps the energy vitamin B12 can help or a vitamin B complex. Coenzyme Q10 can also help to boost your energy level as in a web search for "coenzyme q10 for energy". The super food Spirulina is another good energy booster. One of the most common fatigue causes is anxiety which is a state of fear of real or imagined danger, which is manifested as increased heart rate, trembling, panic, weakness, extreme fatigue and stomach or intestinal discomfort. Besides anxiety there are many other common fatigue causes such as insufficient sleep, too much sleep, under eating, thyroid problems or other illnesses (such as anemia, mononucleosis, CFS, glandular fever and many others), side effects from medication, dehydration, overexertion, an unhealthy diet and other causes as discussed in a web search for "common fatigue causes".
Sounds like sleep deprivation - go to bed in time to get 7-8 hours of sleep per night every night. Keep the same schedule every day - including weekends. Keep away from drugs and alcohol, they will make things worse. Finally, start your day with a sensible breakfast - fruit, grains and proteins.