> Why does my best friend never want to hang out with me.?

Why does my best friend never want to hang out with me.?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I think we only ever hung out once outside of school and we've been best friends for over 2 yeas. Well she calls me her best friend and I call her mine. But she's close with a lot of ppl and sometimes I think she rather spend time with them then me. I must be annoying or something I don't get it. Anyways I don't know. She cares for me and she knows practically everything about me and we're very close but one time I asked her if she wanted to go to the mall and she lied to get out of it and then she confessed to me later about it. I just ignored her for a day and then we were good. She hangs out with other people though so I don't know.
Yeah, if you ask me, shes not worth your time. At least not at the moment. See, one time i met this girl and she would call me here best friend (bullshit). So we texted all the time, and i knew a lot about her and vice versa. She never wanted to hang out though. Really started to piss me off, and then she did something that really pushed me over the edge and so I texted her about it and what she was doing. Long story short, I guess she decided not to be my friend anymore. If this is whats on your mind tell her. If she stops texting you well she was never worth your time. She might even stop being your friend and then come back one day but be wary in case she might be bullshitting you. She also might just agree and start being a good friend. Just gotta be straight forward dude.