> Am I a good singer/guitar player or am I wasting my time?

Am I a good singer/guitar player or am I wasting my time?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I asked this before and got some good feedback, now I wanna know if Im good enough to legitly have a shot at doing it for a living, looking for answers from strangers cause i think friends and family lie to not hurt your feelings ya know? I know lofty dreams but the question still stands, and a like and share wont hurt either lol. http://www.youtube.com/user/JoshSandersMusic
I don't know you and dude I thought you were actually gonna be bad. Your guitar skills are way better than mine and you can have a career out of just that, but no you add your voice too. Your voice, it's honestly amazing. Make more coverrrrs please :) One thing: Get a little closer to the camera so you're not as quietttttt
You're really good . I'd say give it a go . Just have a plan B if it doesn't work out .