> Am I dying?!? Help PLEASE I am only 14yrs old!?

Am I dying?!? Help PLEASE I am only 14yrs old!?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I haven't felt right in awhile but now I feel horrible. At night It's hard for me to stay up now,I used to be able to stay up all night not too long ago,now I wanna go to bed early but I force myself to stay up... Today I just haven't felt good,I have been peeing a lot,I dunno how to say I feel,just odd. It's like I almost never feel relaxed when I sit anywhere. I keep sitting different ways and it's like i never feel relaxed anyway I sit,or never feel just comfortable. I am scared because I am peeing a lot today? I do not exercise at all really,I sit around inside a lot after I get school done.. I weight 111.0 I am not over weight for my height or under weight. So,what is wrong? I've been having little headaches too,so has my mother. And my ears feel odd sometimes in the mornings I feel like i can't hear but I can. and my eyes are very very blurry in the mornings.. Help :(! and my arms and legs felt odd an hour or so ago,like shaky feeling and weak
You need more sleep.
It's not cancer. Talk to your mother.