> Becoming a physicians assistant?

Becoming a physicians assistant?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Okay, I'm wrapping up my senior year, have always had an interest in medicine. I'm currently accepted as a pre-med student. Long story short I want to end up in politics so I do not want to do med school and residency etc. just to leave. So I'm very interested In a PA program (physicians assistant) can someone walk me through the process? I want to do a program that I can wrap up in 4-5 years bachelors or masters included. Anyone know any schools?
From what I understand (coming from a medical family) is that the physician assistant program is a graduate program. Meaning it is a Masters. So you would need to get a bachelors in pre-med or another heavily science related degree first. Even if you go to school nonstop, get your bachelors then masters, it'll take the better part of 6 - 8 years. Granted physician assistants do not often have to do residencies, at least not for a great length of time like a doctor does. But if you are really going after politics, why not just do that in college for the next 4 - 8 years.