> If at first we do not succeed then we ........?

If at first we do not succeed then we ........?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
it's not how many times you are knocked down. it how many times you get back up. practice makes perfect.
Read the instructions
try again. no one wins by quitting.
try try again.
Try, try again, unless its suicide
Try try again.
Keep on trying harder. Perceiving Reality
It depends on how bad you want it.
If at first we do not succeed then we are not finished. We must continue until we achieve success.
nothing fails like success!
Failure: Stepping stone to success No pain, no gain (or "No gain without pain") is an exercise motto that promises greater value rewards for the price of hard and even painful work. Under this conception competitive professionals such as athletes and artists are required to endure pain and pressure to achieve professional excellence more..........
I tend to do the same thing over and over until it finally works. And it always does work given enough repetition (due to subtle although generally unintentional variation of technique).
Try something else. I've never given anything a long time to work out. It either works or it doesn't. I'm not patient when it comes to success.