> Can I sue?

Can I sue?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I turned 18 Jan. 25 of this year. Since I was 3 I've been receiving social security checks due to the death of my mom. I'm fully aware that the checks stop coming once I graduate. But I'm also aware that once I'm 18 the checks are to come directly to me instead of my guardian, like it has been for the past few years. If my guardian continues to cash those checks instead of giving them to me, can I sue? *Save negative comments, you don't know my situation*
Why not just call and straighten it out?
You are correct the survivor's benefit continues until your 19th birthday if you are still in high school. You are incorrect that at the age of 18 these benefits are paid to you. They continue to be paid to your guardian since the premise is that you are not living on your own yet.
I'm not sure if you can sue just bc she is your guardian. I'm not sure how social security checks are, but if they're like a regular check then your name should be on the checks and the bank should only let you cash it. but if you have a credit card or bank account there may be a way so that your check gets deposited right into your account every month