> Clearing up a break out?!?

Clearing up a break out?!?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I've been breaking out on/ around my chin lately. I get there's red stops some raised like a pimple some not but when I try to pop them nothing comes out like a normal pimple would. nothing I seem to do helps. Anyone know what's going on are they pimples and if so what can I do to get rid of it?!
This sounds like cystic acne; I have this. Cystic acne is usually hormonal. I'm not sure how old you are, but if your parents are okay with it, you should consider going on birth control. Doing so helped calm down my cystic acne a lot. Also, don't try popping them. It's bad to pop any kind of pimple, as it leaves scars, but cystic acne is especially bad to try popping because it will force whatever is clogging your pores deeper into your skin.
yes..u can see here] Www.tr.im/56x86 check out first green color link for more info