> Girls, what's your daily hygiene routine?

Girls, what's your daily hygiene routine?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Please state your age! Here's mine: I wake up, splash my face with cold water... after I work out, I shower... shampoo and condition my hair (every three days) but wash my body every day and shave if needed (usually every few days). After shower I brush my teeth, lotion my whole body, and braid my hair so that it's curly when it dries. At night I brush my teeth again, and splash my face with cold water. Once a week I exfoliate my face with a vanilla bean scrub. I pluck my eyebrows once every week because it grows slow (sometimes I need to do a quick touch up in between though).
In the morning I splash my face with warm water and brush my teeth. Then I do hair, makeup, etc. After that I eat breakfast and brush my teeth again. I put lotion on my arms and legs before and during school and deodorant and perfume. After I get home from soccer, I do whatever and then shower (everyday). I wash my hair with shampoo then conditioner (everyday) and then wash my body. Then my face with some acne stuff. And shave about every other day. Then I brush my teeth, lotion down my whole body and clean my ears with q tips. And brush my hair. Thats it.