> Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf or husband/wife?

Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf or husband/wife?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
What was the reason? Did you regret it? Was protection used? How old were you when/if you did?
Yes it was over a year ago and it was a confusing time of my life I was 19 years old and very bad at decision making. I wasn't sure if I wanted to stay tied down or experience other relationships I wanted to explore so I ended it with my bf but he cried suicide so I stayed because I was afraid she would hurt himself but I continued to be with someone else now I look back in guilt and feel stupid
Yes. Reason was I was in a relationship that was exhaustingly miserable and I didn't feel like I could get out. Outside attention was the only thing keeping me going. Yes, I regretted it *very* much. I should have just got out a lot sooner than I did. I was in my mid 20s (early 40s now).
No. I can understand how it happens in some situations, though.
Everyone person will cheat on their love one somehow.. Even flirting is called "cheating"
nobody who cheats without a good reason would have the balls to admit it on here in public. they're too ashamed.
Yea ive cheated on every relationship ive been in. The reason was because i felt they deserved it. No i didn't regret it. Well one time i did and i realize now how stupid i was to regret it. Protection was used sometimes depending on how well i knew the person. From 18 to now 25. Oh yea and im a woman
No, of course not. Only creeps cheat on people. If you don't like them enough to be faithful then you should leave the relationship.