> TNA is copying WWE tonight?

TNA is copying WWE tonight?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
So Daniel Bryan has a beard and managed to beat HHH at wm30 then go on to defeat Orton and Batista later that night... Eric Young is similar to Daniel Bryan and it seems TNA is taking a page from wwe's wm30 booking somewhat.. Even the TNA fans are chanting yes for eric young ! Thoughts?
they have been coping WWE for years
He grew out a beard about the same time Daniel did. Daniel just got more famous for it. And its been about time Eric won the championship, and whose to say he would win. It seems very unlikely. Bryan on the other hand made sense and was waited for and predicted. This was always EYs personality. Hes a great wrestler that's silly, and is now becoming more of a underdog. Bryan IS a lot like that... NOW. But he was never that before wwe. Far from that.
U r a joke. No proof they are copying
So what even if they are wwe copied tna by having the sheild ripoff aces and eights by having them wear aces and eights masks.