> Is there any way I can be home schooled?

Is there any way I can be home schooled?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have really bad issues at school and I dread going everyday. Im really scared of people. I cant answer a question in class without shaking, feeling sick and my mouth going dry. I hate pe because people can see me. I dont eat infronf of people because they might think im fat but im not overweight or anything. I just hate it and because im so quiet at school when I get home I just have to scream at everyone to let it all out. I feel like people are just controlling my whole life. Also at school I dont know whether this means anything but I always zone out and just stare at a blank wall I can never concentrate. Ive spoken to my head of house at school about my problems but she just asked me if I was copying people then that made me feel worse because now I think everyones gonna think im an attention seeker because I dont talk or eat at school. I only have a few problems outside of school but there just if I see people from school then I have to hide. Please help me. Who should I talk too and what if they think im making it all up like my head of house.
This is a decision you and your parents make. No one can stop you, even your head of school. Talk to your parents. It's up to them. I need to warn you, though: homeschooling does not mean being home all the time, or avoiding people.