> My job hasnt paid me even though i resigned almost 2 weeks ago? Can anyone help me on legal actions?

My job hasnt paid me even though i resigned almost 2 weeks ago? Can anyone help me on legal actions?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I put in my 2 weeks notice at my job 3/19/14 my last day 3/27/14 I never got paid within the 72 hours and I just found out my job has not terminated me. Am i able to take legal action? If i do how will i get paid back? At one point i was working 30+ hours a week then my last 2 weeks i was taken to 8 and my last week was 4 hours. Can someone please help me?
since you quit you get paid on your regular pay day.
If you were still working for the company, when would you be paid for the hours in question? That is when you should be paid. SOME states require payment sooner if THEY fire you. If you quit, you are NEVER entitled to be paid before your regular pay day.
Why did you expect to be paid in 72 hrs? That is if an employer fires you. If you quit.. you are paid (by law) on the next, REGULAR pay day. Because you made the choice to leave, the employer has no obligation to stop his bookkeeper from their regular schedule in order to do the paperwork required for issuing a check.
Call a unemployment lawyer for advice.