> Help with my dogs anxiety?

Help with my dogs anxiety?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have a border collie mix. She's about 8 months old and she's overall a great dog. I take her out in the morning and later in the day and play with her plus she goes out on her own through out the day to go to the bathroom and just do whatever in the backyard. I don't think anything bad happened to her when she was younger. I got her when she was about 3 months and the people seemed really nice, lived on a farm and had all the puppies with their shots and everything. So it wasn't shady. But she has the worst anxiety. She barks whenever someone walks by or comes to the door...which is understandable and she's trying to protect her house. BUT my grandma comes over maybe twice a week and my dog is terrified of her. She's a nice lady,a normal grandma. She's terrified of everyone that comes over but you would think that she'd be used to my grandma by now. She was never scared of me or my immediate family but she's always been scared of everyone else. I think this is part of it but again I think she'd be used to it....my grandma owns our house and we rent from her. So she has control of what the back yard is used for. And it's used for pretty much a 'workshop' for her boyfriend. He's always over at night working on stupid projects with his equipment and always had friends over. They don't come in or to the house but they're in the back. My dog with bark constantly when they're here. The only way to make her stop is to take her in my room. What should I do?