> How do I find friends/ Bandmates?

How do I find friends/ Bandmates?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have a really specific idea in mind for my band, I have formed the band, I'm the lead vocalist and now I need everyone else I.E. Lead guitar, rhythem guitar, bass, and a drummer. I relocated to a new state and I have no friends and I had to leave my old band and old friends behind. How do i find new members?! How do I find people into music like me?? I moved to boston and I'm a junior in highschool. But my question is how do I find band members!? Especially since I have no friends, before my friends and I grew up together and all just kind of liked music so it was obvious we should all be a band together but now since I know no one I have no idea how to find members! Also this is the sort of style I like and I wanted to go for in a band: http://imgur.com/a/TvvzC If that changes anything
Try an online classifieds like gumtree or craigslist. Also stop being such a control freak or nobody will want to play with you.