> How is yogurt healthy?

How is yogurt healthy?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Its just bacterialized milk, i don't understand how that can be "Healthy". They say it's a healthy food to eat when dieting, but how....
you know all those probiotics everyone says we need? Yogurt is full of them. The bacteria in yogurt is the good kind, the same kind in YOUR gut naturally. Then there is the potassium, protein and calcium in the yogurt.
Yogurt contains large amounts of lactic acid bacteria, beneficial to human health. Lactic acid bacteria contained double-stranded RNA than other bacteria. Researchers have found that lactic acid bacteria after entering the dendritic cells of the small intestine, will stimulate cells that produce a lot of Beta Interferon, thus inhibiting inflammatory bowel disease.
Probiotics, potassium and protein can be found in other sources, too. It's soured, fermented milk. If one found it like that in one's milk carton, one wouldn't eat it. Put it in a fancy container with fancy terms, one thinks it's healthy. My question is-- Would a calf eat it?