> How to not be a terrible person?

How to not be a terrible person?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
i literally have the lowest self confidence ever and it's absolutely frustrating. i can't get through the day without wanting to repeatedly stab myself in the thigh because of my acne or my body shape. and what's worse is that my personality isn't the best either. i always think i'm to blame for everything that happens and i always apologize excessively. for example earlier today my boyfriend started talking about his ex and that upset me and later on he asked why i was so upset (like it wasn't obvious) and after i said why i was upset i went on and apologized for acting up even though i feel like i had the right to considering the situation and what he was talking about. how do i stop saying sorry for things that aren't even my fault? how do i have more self confidence? thanks x