> I don't know how I can go to school anymore?

I don't know how I can go to school anymore?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I had two best friends. One was a boy and one was a girl. They both said horrible things about my mother around me, lied to continually get out of going to do things with me, told people my secrets, and only wanted me around when they wanted someone to be around for them. I eventually stopped talking to them, because I hadn't had best friends in a while and I felt completely broken and depressed. I really thought they liked me, and I lost a lot of self worth. Now I have to go through the rest of high school with them, taking the same classes and spending 8 am-5 pm each school day with them. The rest of the kids at the school (our school only has about 14 kids total, it's a very small private school) have done similar things, because I'm gone most of the time. We're training to become professional dancers, and I'm the only one who got picked to go up to New York and see an agent. I landed the agent, and I think they hate me now. I just don't know how I'm going to be able to take any more of this.
Leave them behind! They are obviously too stupid to appreciate you, and are probably just jealous of you. Don't let them get you down. You are 100 times better than them, and they just aren't quality friends--no, people. Go get some new friends and don't worry about those losers. Oh and congrats for getting to see an agent!
I didn't even bother reading everything you wrote, those are not your friends. Good friends help you build and you do the same for them. Destructive friends just destroy u and themselves