> I'm 24, can I fix my kyphosis?

I'm 24, can I fix my kyphosis?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I have scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis. my scoliosis and kyphosis aren't severe, but by lordosis is. The curve in my lower back is twice the amount it should be. I've only ever seen a chiropractor for pain. But now I am bothered by how I look hunched all the time. What can I do? Who should I see to get help? Can my back ever be fixed? Did I wait too long? I want a completely healthy and normal back if I can.
It really depends on the chiropractor. As in all areas of medicine and therapy, there are excellent chiropractors, quack chiropractors, and some who are downright dangerous. I would carefully investigate the reputations, and talk to the clients of the chiropractors in your area to find out which ones fall in the excellent category. There are definitely exercises you can do to strengthen your muscles and improve your kyphosis and lordosis, You are most likely too old to have surgical treatment for your scoliosis, but chiropractic adjustment might help with some of it. Be sure you take adequate calcium and do weight bearing exercise - you don't want to add osteoporosis to your issues later in life. As with everyone, excellent nutrition will also help you feel your best. : )