> Is the hantavirus common?

Is the hantavirus common?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I caught a mouse behind my fridge. It was about 2 inches long so pretty tiny. How common is the hantavirus? I live in New Hampshire.
I am not sure how widely the virus itself may be distributed. Serious infections in humans are pretty rare. However, I remember hearing about a study that found that a very high proportion of dialysis patients had anti-hantavirus antibodies - implying that they had had subclinical viral infections. The best thing to do is to try to avoid contact with rodents and their wastes. So, keep your house clean, seal rodent entry points, and set traps or baits to prevent infestations. Or think about getting a cat. I think you will be fine - most people are in your situation - but if you start running a fever and have shortness of breath, then go to a doctor ASAP. HTH, and I would appreciate it if you would pick a Best Answer since we cannot vote for Best Answers anymore.