> Loss of appetite, diarrhea?

Loss of appetite, diarrhea?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I moved into college a week ago and I don't eat nearly as much as I used to when I lived back at home with my boyfriend, because I was comfortable to over indulge. We've been dating a year before I moved on my own (and I'm not nervous or upset) but I'm back to my old diet of eating 75% less than I did when I was with him. Instead of a whole pizza, I can barely eat one slice without feeling sick. I eat 1 poptart instead of 4, I can't even finish a 100 calorie popcorn bag! But every time after I eat I have diarrhea and this has been going on for a week. My stomach doesn't hurt and I don't feel sick, I just have it when I use the restroom and I go 3-4 Times a day opposed to 1. Since I can't sit down and enjoy a meal because after 1-2 bites I feel stuffed, so I just snack all day on little things like a few gummy bears here or there and a handful of chips maybe along with maybe 1 pack of ramen. I drink lots of water and only water. Could this be my metabolism speeding up? Or... Confused?
Your diet, meaning WHAT you are eating, is probably giving you diarrhea. Not a single thing you have mentioned is what I would consider decent nutrition. All you are eating is junk food! I'm glad to hear that you are drinking water only. That's exactly what you should be drinking. Now go eat some vegetables and fresh fruit, some lean protein like broiled chicken, some eggs, some whole grains or legumes, nuts and some unsweetened Greek style yogurt. Once your nerves settle down, your digestive system will, too.