> My cat had knots on her fur but they fell out?

My cat had knots on her fur but they fell out?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
My cat I've had for 6 years has recently grown knots on her fur, it was there for a few weeks but has slowly fallen off this past week... When she's sitting on couches and gets up I've found the knots falling off, she seems okay behavior wise, I've been feeding her and taking care of her regularly, she's not an old cat, but the spots where the knots fell off are a bit bald now. I'm worried it'll keep happening and that she's losing hair, what is causing this? Side note: she also throws up after I feed her cat wet food from cans... It's been going on for a while now, I don't know if it's just simply because she can't take in rich foods, she eats dry food perfectly fine. Thank you!
You might want to take her to a vet, nobody on here for sure knows what's wrong (if anything) but I used to have a cat and was long haired. Her hair knotted horribly and stayed that way until the summer time when she shedded it. Brushing the knots out will probably hurt so don't try that. You can cut them out but you have to be very careful to make sure not to nick the cat. Just use a pair of scissors. You could take her to be groomed every now and then, the groomers will take care of the knots and it will prevent new ones from forming. It's important to take care of the knots though, if they're bad enough it can hurt the animal. So, definitely take care of her fur. About the balding, it could've been that the knots were sort of pulled out and left a bald spot (ouch).
The knots that cats get in their fur is quite painful for them so please don't pull them out. It feels the same way as when humans have their hair pulled. She might be swallowing hairballs from grooming herself which would cause her to vomit and yes, the wet food might be too rich for her system. Continue feeding her the dry cat food and be sure she has plenty of clean water.