> Please please help!?

Please please help!?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Okay tomorrow I'm going over to my friends to sleepover. This is my first time sleeping at a friends house and I'm worried I'll start to feel sick or get sick while I'm there. I have no one to pick me up and stuff and I'm terrified of throwing up(sadly). But I wanna have fun with my friend. What do I do? Usually I feel sick when I get too excited or too hot or something. Please help! How do I calm down about this? I really wanna go and I'm going directly after school so I won't be going home. Please help! I'm 14 by the way..
You need just to stop stressing ;) try not to think about it , just see it as hanging out for a longer time then usually. Have fun!
calm down. when I went to my first sleepover it was all cool and fun, even tho I was worried as well. don't worry and have fun