> Some good black metal bands?

Some good black metal bands?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I need some fast paced black metal bands like Dimmu Borgir or Immortal. Good ones, Don't give me some mediocre underground metal bands with just a few okay albums. I have listened to: Gorgoroth Immortal Dimmu Borgir Mayhem Behemoth (Never found out if they're black metal or not but I'll just mention it) Like I said, I prefer them fast paced and doom slow-ish. Thanks for the answers.
Behemoth's first 2 albums are black metal, and everything since is either blackened death or just death metal. Burzum Nachtmystium Darkthrone Xasthur Ulver Woods of Desolation Oranssi Pazuzu Alcest Leviathan Dissection Lantlos Deathspell Omega Altar of Plagues Deafheaven Twilight Wolves in the Throne Room Agalloch Satyricon Amesoeurs
Try Dark Funeral, they're very hardcore and dark. You can also try Morbid Angel and Moonspell. I read that DF got a new singer in 2011, so stick with they're older albums. My favorite song by them is Atrum Regina.
My favorite is DIMMU BORGIR, I've listened to them since high school.