> Was he making fun of me?

Was he making fun of me?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
k well these two guys passed by me and my friend and one of the guys was like hey, he wants your number! and the other guy was like bro, stop (i know he has a gf btw) they're older than me but we're in high school. were they?
The guy was probably trying to be funny and this didn't have anything to do with you he could have done it to anyone. And the one that said "bro stop" was probably not in the mood to joke around and he has a girlfriend and he doesn't want you to think he wants your number
NO... He just doesn't like you.
Can I ask YOU a question? Are you able to speak/write a question without "like" or "bro"? Do you know what these are: . , ? They are punctuation marks. Using them makes reading your writing a heckuva lot easier. Imagine if authors wrote like that: Romeo was like hey bro, i asked her out and she like ok but bro her dad was like no you can't take her out and she like cried. I suggest you take a class in communication.