> What is the fastest way to stop a runny nose/slight cold?

What is the fastest way to stop a runny nose/slight cold?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I only have a runny nose and a slight sore throat. How can I cure this really fast? Like ASAP.
Decongestant. Nothing else will speed recovery, though fever helps you get over things faster because all chemical reactions are speeded up. But keep the temps in low upper range and not too hot. Vitamin C will have absolutely no effect and can lead to painful kidney stones. Garlic only kills some germs on contact, but has no effect whatever when eaten. Sports drinks and juices are loaded with sugar and will not help (though you should be hydrated, preferably by water). Dairy also has not a single thing to do with it. Exercise may divert your body's reasources from the healing process and keep you sick longer. Avoid "old wives tales" and people who get their knowledge of physiology from internet sites that are purely wishful thinking and lies. Eat well. Rest. Stay warm. Drink fluids. Good luck. Use a decongestant if you need to get rid of symptoms to go out.
Take strepsils, drink lots of water or citrus fruit juices, drink sports drink, avoid dairy and sweets, take Vitamin C, eat garlic (this can be found from you mom's dishes, you dont need to eat it raw if you dont want to), exercise, breath in steam.