> What should be done to fix the US Government?

What should be done to fix the US Government?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Our government doesn't work. Democrats and Republicans who are only interested in gaining and keeping power are too far to the left and right respectively to compromise. Leadership hasn't been and isn't a strength of our current and previous president. Also our population keeps getting lazier and the welfare state is increasing (think back to Roman times) and we all get "healthcare" without paying anything even as the population becomes more and more unhealthy. This will cost the government billions (excuse me trillions) that it doesn't even have and don't get me started on all the other unnecessary spending. Also we crusade for dumb religious opinions such as banning contraception (overpopulation is the number one environmental and human health issue in the world) and ending social ills that don't exist. Please offer all opinions this is an open discussion.
Term limits. Government service was never intended to be a life long prospect. To work in the real world is and should always be prerequisite.
It is time for the people in this country to make sure to register and vote in all elections. We need to wipe the slate clean and nominate people who are generally concerned about the people and the issues concerning them. Form Clean Slate Committees to find these people and to vote out the idiots who are being paid for doing nothing,which is basically congressional welfare. There are thousands of people making minimum wage who are working a million times harder than they are.