> What would you wear with this shirt?

What would you wear with this shirt?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Hi everyone! I just bought this shirt today in the color shattered blue: What would you wear with it? Thanks!
Light skinny jeans, black leggings, or frayed boot cut jeans. Unless it's hot then some white or black shorts would be super cute. With some sandals and a headband if that's what you like. Umm and a bracelet and some studded earrings :)
It all depends on the weather. [Warm] Cream colored shorts White, subtle, frilly socks Blue Vans (any shade) [Cold] Same as above, except switch the shorts for blue, cuffed, skinny jeans, and add a navy blue cardigan.
Black skinny jeans and white blazer with some accessories will look perfect) :)