> Do you agree that Noah would have been a good movie if the Stone Men hadn't been included in the plot?

Do you agree that Noah would have been a good movie if the Stone Men hadn't been included in the plot?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
No. The man who created it is against God and tried taking the less biblical story out of the bible and put a twist to it. It was horrible.
I hated it. I watched this movie to see if I could learn something about Noah. What I got was something that should have been shown on the SCI-FI Channel. It was total BS. I couldn't wait to get out of the theater. I don't respect Anthony Hopkins, Russell Crowe and Jennifer Connolly anymore. They completely mislead the audience to get our money. They could have easily titled it "Noah, Sci-fi Fantasy" and could have cleared the whole thing up. Instead they depended on duping the public into thinking they were going to learn something about the Bible. Shame on them.
If you don't like it, then it's your problem, not the writers or director of the film. Learn to accept other points of view as being as valid as your own, even if you disagree. Maybe you can re-make this movie as you'd like to see it.