> Will 10 pound dumbbells get my biceps bigger?

Will 10 pound dumbbells get my biceps bigger?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
That's all I have lol so if it will make a difference when will I notice? And should I do em everyday or every other? Oh I'm 15 m BTW and I'm skinny ahaa
they WILL get bigger but to a certain degree. since you cant add more weight all you can do to up the intensity is to increase reps. after a while more reps will become useless and this is when you should, if possible get a gym membership. if you do, I highly suggest beginning a strength/powerlifting program ("starting strength" "Stronglifts 5x5"). Strength will be more beneficial and will get you noticed more than size until you are in your 30's. anyway good luck with working out