> How to not look ugly and be pretty?

How to not look ugly and be pretty?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
i'm 15 in high school about 5'7 i feel like every other girl in school is prettier then me idk why i just feel really bad about myself i hate on myself too :/ i lack self esteem and i can't control it either. i can't take pictures of myself either cuz of my 'self-hate' it bothers me the way i look in a camera too . i have too many pimples i use a medicine but since my face is oily naturally i get alot and it annoys :( how do i become prettier? :( please no rude comments :/
Just own how you look, make yourself seem more attractive by being happier, I guess. (: I have those issues as well, but not as much in the pimples area. Just accept how tall you are and own it. There will always be girls taller and shorter than you, and probably less and more attractive. Be yourself, and be happy. Don't really know what else to tell you.