> Can a school Suspend you for this?

Can a school Suspend you for this?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Okay I just need help. A picture of me smoking weed was posted on snapchat and someone took a screen shot and sent it to safe two tell. They came to my house but they didn't have the picture. I went to school today and was called down to the office when I was in there they had the picture of me and they said they might suspend me for it. This picture was taken on a different phone and someone was in the picture with me. There's not getting in trouble bit it was on there phone and they were the one who posted it on there snapchat story. Can the school even suspend me for this? I wasn't on school ground and I had no Possession of it. All they have is the picture that someone sent in. Is this a suspenable offense?
In my area - yes. Until you kids learn that the internet isn't secure, social networks aren't secure, snapchat isn't secure, NONE of these apps ya'll use are in the least bit secure... You will get busted. Simple. I'll say it again: our youth is not getting smarter. They're getting dumber by the second. You DON'T take pictures of yourself breaking the law, put them on social media and then expect not to get busted, k?
Of course they can. You were committing a crime and they have proof. Not to mention how stupid that is for your future, including jobs and college. You are lucky that's all they did.
Get lawyer.
the school has no right to suspend you for out-of-school activities unless they directly effect the school.
In our school people won't get suspended for this. Why? because the school authorities have no control over what we do outside of school. So I don't see how it's even fair for you they're going to suspend you for this. It's as if I was out on week-ends screaming that I hate some teacher and they'd suspend me for it...