> Losing weight no appetite short?

Losing weight no appetite short?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I am 15 and for a few months now I have been getting less and less hungry. Now its to the point where I wont eat for a day or two and have no feeling of hunger. I literally have no feeling there at the moment really, it feels sort of numb. I also feel waves of heat going up my spine and it feels weird. Its been getting a bit worse but my family members act like its no big deal and that it will just go away. I feel lightheaded sometimes, irritable, and just not myself at all. These symptoms are light though. What is going on??? Before I used to weigh about 99. I am now at 92. I am 5'4 if that helps. Any help? Should I go to the doctor? ALSO: i DID have a cyst in my ovary back in feburary.... any link? thanks. Ps I do not do sports or exercise often
Please go to the doctor talk to your parents about it if you haven't already but before this get any worse go to the doctor