> MacBook Pro or air?

MacBook Pro or air?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
My mom asked me witch one I want come someone tell me witch one and why thx
Easiest decision ever! Macbook Pro Reasons- Stunning retina display (better then HD) Faster More powerful overall It will last you longer because it has better hardware It is also really thin. I thought it was going to be a lot thicker than the Macbook Air but it is actually really thing. The Macbook air is tapered and the Pro is as thick as the thickest bit on the Macbook air which is really thin. If I were you I'd wait for the 2014 Macbook Pro.
Yes the macbook pro is the better to me the retina display is worthless doesn't do to much of anything just disabling it the macbook pro still have one the best display graphics not good for gaming , but good for other projects , video editing , movies , you tube videos as i said earlier to another question that was asked about mac 's is the best macbook pro is well over 3000 dollars to save some money and a great mac book is the macbook air a little less conservative but still a great machine for the price also very good for videos editing , photoshop,school projects , etc
Pro for all the numbers and durability. Air if you're gonna carry it by hand everywhere I suppose? The Pro is a very good choice and I don't know what your needs are, but the Pro will cover more bases while being a bit heavier and more expensive. Here's the Pro from Apple's site. I imagine that, unless your parents are super kind and have a lot of money (or know you do heavier tasks like Video Editing and light gaming) then the options on the far right are pretty solid. Otherwise, a $1299 Macbook Pro will do you very well