> My mom hurts me emotionally and physically?

My mom hurts me emotionally and physically?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
I am the oldest of 4 siblings and leave for college next year. 7 months ago my dad got a new job and chose to commute. This meant he would leave every Sunday afternoon and not return until Friday. I expressed my concern and worries to my father about his prolonged absence, but he still decided to go. Now, 7 months later, my family is a wreck. Expecially my mother. She is naturally a very emotionally unstable person who often becomes physical when angry, and because she now takes on the load of two parents, her instability is even worse. She drags me around by my hair and has left visible scratch and bruise marks before. She expects total conformity and obedience to her commands. In her eyes, what she says is always right because she's the mom. She doesn't ever listen to my reasonings, does not compromise, and is not willing to negotiate. I am already in a difficult position (with my dad, the only person I completely trust, being gone), but now that my mother is irritable and unstable, I don't know if I can bear this anymore. I have tried calmly speaking with her about this over a dozen times, but she still does not make any effort to fix this problem. I have even considered seeing a therapist (not only for family issues, but for some serious personal issues I need help dealing with), but my mother is somewhat in denial that I actually need professional help. Any advice you have is appreciated. I just don't know what to do.
Tell your dad next time you see him. If you don't like the situation at home you could also talk to a counselor at your school.