Posted at: 2014-06-09 
So on Monday my friends mom said friend can come over and now she's saying no.? So there's a party I have to pay to get In. It's like a church event but it's just swimming,games and pizza. And I payed 10$ for my friends ticket and mine. And on Monday my friend (J) her mom said j could come over. And now Thursday night. The night before the party J's mom said no. And j's mom said J doesn't spend enough time with her even though j lives with her mom and is always hanging out with her. What can we say to get her mom to let j come home with me on the bus and go to the party and spend the night.
You might approach her like a responsible person and ask...Why she is not able to the party and maybe leave out the spending the night part...just start with going to the party since you are on trouble ground.