> Prom Help Please?

Prom Help Please?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
So I am thinking about asking this one girl to prom, but I really need help: 1) I've known this girl since 7th grade, when I found out I had a crush on her. Somehow she found out that I liked her, but she herself never responded to me, one of her friends said she didn't like me. Its been a while since 7th grade and I've changed quite a bit. We have the same math class together, and sometimes we just talk a bit when we have some free time in class. Although one time she sat next to me in the library and we started talking. I'm friends with her brother, and he said that she told him I was funny. I know that probably means nothing, but should I still ask her? She is really, and I mean really, popular and to be honest I think she is out of my league (even though when I told her brother he said that she wasn't). If I ask her, I'm thinking of doing it privately in case she rejects me, which is likely. Is that a good idea? 2) Let's say that she says yes and I go to prom with her, I just feel that I would not give her a good experience because I'm not as popular as she is and I don't know if that will cause any problems. (I'm also not that good at keeping up a convo).I don't even know how to dance at all. I've only ever been to one school dance in 8th grade. I don't want to go and stand there like an idiot doing some stupid finger-snap or fist-pump for like 4 hours. Does everyone else just dance that stupid? How should I dance? Thanks for anyone who takes the time to answer this.