> Testicular Cancer?

Testicular Cancer?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Im only 14 so its probably nothing but there's a lump attached to one of my testicles I talked to my friend and he said he has the same thing so should i be worried?
One in every two men, on average, will get testicular cancer in their lifetime. I know this sounds strange, but my doctor told me every couple of days or so, spend time in the shower and feel for any ordinary lumps, because of testicular cancer's commonness in men and in some families. My cousin had a similar situation at the age of 16. He got it checked out, and it turns out, it was indeed testicular cancer, and he got it treated right away. Age 16. I know, it was scary. Get yourself checked out as soon as you can. Didn't mean to scare you, but no one should have to go through testicular cancer.
Is it an actual lump, or is it really a big vein-like thing? The vein-like thing is normal.
Get it checked out.