> Very small cut bleeding for 3 hours?

Very small cut bleeding for 3 hours?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
While I was shaving I scraped off a tiny little scab on my knee, about the size of a push pin head. For the past three hours it's been bleeding nonstop, I can't let it go for longer than 10 seconds without the blood dripping to the floor. I've tightly covered it with a cotton ball and bandaids and not moved my leg at all(since bending in the knee loosens the tightness) and every time the blood overflows and drips down my leg! I know it's not serious but I just need to know how to stop the bleeding because I want to go to bed.
Dear, remember, if it happens again with you or with anyone else, just hold/press your finger (if bigger than 1 inch hold/press with palm) on the effected areas for 5 to 10 minutes (depending on injury). This process will stop bleeding. For more health tips, feel free to visit the source link:
Apply direct pressure with a cotton bandage for several minutes. 10 seconds isn't nearly enough. Press fairly hard. Then bandage it up good. Is there any chance you're a bleeder? If so, you might have to see a doctor to get it to stop.