> What is Lois Lerner afraid of telling Congress?

What is Lois Lerner afraid of telling Congress?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Exactly what everyone already knows...Obama and crew ordered IRS prosecution of opposition political groups. Sooner or later somebody is going to roll on Obama and then it's going to be hunting season on the libtards. Too bad none of them own weapons. Maybe they can run to their gun free zones.
That the decision to use the IRS as a weapon came from 0bozo himself.
she lied for 0bama
She's, no doubt, afraid of getting caught up by trumped up charges in the witch hunt that Issa is conducting ... For example, from USA Today, it could be tricks like this that give her pause: ?????????? ?????????? "Last June, the Oversight Committee ruled by a 22-17 vote ?????????? ?????????? that Lerner waived her Fifth Amendment rights by giving an ?????????? ?????????? opening statement and answering a question at last May's ?????????? ?????????? hearing." Additionally, Lerner was " ... willing to provide a "proffer"