> (pics included) DO MY EYEBROWS NEED TO BE WAXED?


Posted at: 2014-06-09 
DO I NEED THEM WAXED OR SOMETHING???? LIKE PLUCKED OR SHAPED THEY LOOK SO HORRIBLE EVERYONE TELLS ME HEY THEY DONT LOOK BAD! THE PICTURE !!!!!!!!!: http://prntscr.com/38vm6e (pls no bad comment) IF I SHOULD GET THEM WAXED then what shape (sersiouly i think im ugly D:) ( I AM 13 YEARS OLD BTW )
I would honestly need a picture w/o umpteen million filters/effects on it to tell, but either way, do what you want. I got my eyebrows waxed, the first time at 10 yrs. It all depends on your style. I always get mine done, thicker towards the inside, with a very subtle (not to steep) arch, which leads into them going thinner &thinner. Do whatever you want.
you have great eyebrows from what i see, but i can't really tell from your filters. but you shouldn't reshape them they frame your face perfectly and an arch eyebrow might not be good for you, but your eyebrows honestly look very pretty on you, if you have extra hair on your forehead and above and below your actual eyebrow, you should wax it if it bothers you. i waxed mine recently &its painless and amazing!
Lol no I'm 13, too, and I have bushy eyebrows, too. Maybe, it's like Cara Delevingne's! She has bushier eyebrows than you. Also, don't worry about your eyebrows because you're still really pretty.
They're completely fine! there's nothing wrong with them at all