Hair That Stands Up to Summer
With the arrival of summer comes heat, humidity, swimming, and other challenges to your hairstyle. This summer, stand up to the elements and more with a Brazilian keratin hair straightening treatment by Marcia Teixeira.
Brazilian keratin gives your hair the strength and body to stand up to summer. It eliminates the frizz and curl that can come with summer heat and humidity. And your hair can remain straight and strong even after a long day of summer fun in the sun.
Summer Strong
In summer, most people tend to be more active than they are during the cooler months. We spend more time outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. But all this activity — not to mention summer’s heat and especially humidity — can take its toll on your hair.
Pool water in particular can damage hair, making it more brittle. The chemicals in pool water, especially chlorine, can even cause your hair to change color if you spend too much time swimming.
But Brazilian keratin gives your hair the protection it needs to stand up to the worst summer can offer. It binds strong, durable keratin to the natural protein already found in your hair follicle. The result is straight, lush, and strong hair that can endure even the worst heat, humidity, and chemicals.
Brazilian Keratin
Best of all, a single treatment can give your hair the strength it needs for weeks or even months with little to no additional maintenance. You can swim, run, play tennis, or simply spend the day at the beach and your hair will look luxurious and full-bodied. It’s the perfect antidote to your hair’s summer struggle.
This summer, tell your favorite stylist that you want a Brazilian keratin hair straightening treatment by Marcia Teixeira. Then get ready to make the most of your summer.