> Liberals instead of attacking the Koch Brothers, why don't you go find your own Koch Brothers?

Liberals instead of attacking the Koch Brothers, why don't you go find your own Koch Brothers?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
They already have Soros and Hollywood
Not until you learn to attack the Koch Bros, for yourself.
Because it is morally wrong. It's bribery. But of course, you guys are just fine with bribery. There is a huge difference between Soros and the Koch brothers and a lot has to do with their goal and their ethics. Or in the case of the Koch brothers, lack of ethics. Check out the graphic linked below.
WoW. I do not want a plutocracy with a ruling class like you apparently do.
because we believe, just like the founders, that the ppl should elect leaders, not wealthy fascist white supremacists
Once again I see xpatinasia is wrong in what he stated about Mr. Soros. Mr. Soros is not a conservative but a Liberal. He started Moveon.org and a few others but hey facts never have bothered xpatinasia before. The Koch brothers are attacked even though they give millions to all types of charities that help all people not just one side like some what you to believe. Also it is easier to complain about others who try to do better for all than do something themselves.
The issue is not a lack of money. "They already have Soros..." Soros is a conservative, just like you. "They have Soros, and the Koch brothers..." Soros and the Kochs are conservatives.
They have Soros, and the Koch brothers used to donate to democrats until democrats went left of center