> Questions about the &Ginger Guy& in The Wolf Among Us?

Questions about the &Ginger Guy& in The Wolf Among Us?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
1. Who is he supposed to be? 2. "The boy who cried wolf theory" The ginger guy has a tie with a shepherds cane, plus he seems to follow Bigby around. (look around on the internet) Do you think he could be "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" or would that be too obvious? 3. If you have seen these pictures of him in the taxi and stuff like that, do you think they are the same guy, or if it just people being too optimistic? Also when snow comes to knock for Bigby about Faith's head being left at the doorstep, why is he just there? (I know some people are going to say "What if he lives there? But i'm trying to open my mind up to as many possibilities as possible with this character) 4. Does he have a relation with Donkey Skin? (Faith)