> What do do if you accidentally shave your eyebrow?

What do do if you accidentally shave your eyebrow?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Long story short, I shaved off my eyebrow with a razor. I was just being curious! Now, I'm am feeling like I would rather bury myself in a hole than let anyone see me. I don't know what to do! I mean, I have no long bangs (actually I do, but they don't cover the eyebrow up, they just hang by the sides) and no fake eyebrow thing that I could wear over it. NOOOOOOOO!!!
I've done this once! Try using an eyebrow kit and look up tutorials on how to draw in eyebrows so that they look natural. There's no magical way to grow them back ASAP, but they do grow back pretty quickly. I covered mine with some side bangs for awhile until they grew back. Don't worry! If you make a joke of it, rather than being embarrassed, you wont have to worry too much about covering it up :]
Take biotin and use exfoliating scrub in your brow area (i tried this it actually works), also grow your bangs out to cover it while its growing back. It will take awhile for your eyebrow to grow back. also wear hats that cover that area.
Either try and draw the eye brow back on or if you have long enough hair try and cover it or shave both of them off and say that your making a fashion statement.
This is what you do, you see, you grab a nice permanent market and you sculpt eyebrows where your original ones once were. Therefore creating the illusion of eyebrows when in reality, we all know you shaved them off by accident
Draw your eyesbrows until they grow out.
Use eyebrow pencil until they grow out. Sorry, there is no other magical way(