> Will WWE ever bring back a jobber show?

Will WWE ever bring back a jobber show?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
Like heat, velocity, or superstars? ( and I guess ecw) Eventhough these types of shows generally have bad ratings and... well pull in a few naive fans thinking there favorite superstar will finally make it to smackdown... Do you think wwe will ever decide to try and have another show with real low carders on the main roster? Some say that is what nxt is for.. However, that show is in general made for superstars that WWE is trying to break. Plus, WWE employs a cornucopia of jobbers/ low carders that they don't even use. I feel like if they employ them... they should give them some tv time... or maybe a chance to be exposed? Also, it wouldn't really cost WWE to much money because they used to record heat and velocity shows before raw and smack down! But, I'm sure the TV time is...
maybe when they get a new tv deal
They should try and get the jobber show on early morning network.TV so fans with out pay TV can watch
No it doesn't make since for them to waste money on a show for stars they don't care about and are just going to ignore which is a good chance that the univrse will too do to bad booking. If anything instead of bringing a jobber show for jobbers why not give them there own belt to fight for so the lowercard can have something to fight for. If NXT can have it's own championship then the show of Superstars should be able to have it's own title especially for it's job card regulars on that show.