> My brother had an accident!?!?!?

My brother had an accident!?!?!?

Posted at: 2014-06-09 
ugh, he's 4 years old and poops all the time. I'm babysitting him and he just pooped. THE FIRST TIME IM BABYSITTING YO! how do i dispose of his diaper, clean his butt, and put on a new one?
Well its hard to explain, you need a visual, so look it up on google for a visual, but what I can tell you here, is that you need to use baby wipes on his bottom, and fold up the diaper in a specific way (find a visual) by rolling it up, and using the flaps to secure it, and throw it in the trash can, next lift up his legs in one hand and a do the wiping with the other, then put the top of the diaper under him, and fasten it (again get the visual) also to keep him distracted give him a toy, or turn on the T.V. While you're doing it, the first time changing a diaper takes a couple of tries to get it right. Hope this helped :)